MEMBERS of the Brixi Singers intend to celebrate "The Golden Gift of Life" in a concert at the newly refurbished St Peter and St Paul's Church, Pilkington Street, Bolton.

The group has recently returned from a successful tour of France, and appears at the concert in aid of the Bolton Life organisation, on Saturday, October 13, 7.30pm.

The programme will include popular classics.

But not only will the event be a treat on the ears, but a sight for sore eyes!

The restoration of the church has recently been completed, unearthing original Victorian tiling. Cracks in the dado were investigated and beneath the plaster were the original tiles, remarkably none of which were damaged.

Brian Tetlow, chairman of Bolton's Life group is organising the concert. He said: "We thought the church would be the perfect setting because not only is it almost cathedral like in size, but the restoration undertaken is quite beautiful.

"We are most grateful to Father John McNamara for granting us the use of the church for the concert.

"We are also delighted to have the Brixi Singers performing at the event.

"Life is a charity which gives moral and practical support to young pregnant women.

"We recognise that women can often come under pressure into having an abortion, and are not given sufficient counselling. That is the role our counsellors play."

Tickets for the concert are £5 and from the Bolton Life office at 124 Newport Street, Bolton, or telephone 532660, Booth's music store on Churchgate on 399244, the Albert Halls Ticket Centre on 334400, and from Brian on 303623. Cheques should be made payable to Bolton Life.