ON September 27, the Department for Work and Pensions (formerly the DSS) published the latest estimates of the take-up of the four main means tested benefits -- Income Support, Income Based JSA, Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit.

The figures, focusing on the period 1999/2000, show that, taking all four benefits into account, there was between £1,960 million and £4,070 million left unclaimed.

The report also shows that take-up of Income Support was lowest among pensioner households and that 38 per cent of those who would have been entitled had they claimed were in receipt of DLA or Attendance Allowance.

Why do people not claim these benefits? Because they do not know they may be entitled and are often too afraid or too proud to ask for advice. Or perhaps because claiming is such a difficult process with complicated 50-page claim forms and intrusive, repetitive questions.

As an independent advice agency, Disability Advice and Information Services (DAIS) wants to ensure people are aware of the benefits available to them. We would be delighted to offer readers the chance to take advantage of FREE benefits check to see if they may be entitled to claim any extra benefits. For details, contact DAIS on 01257 424000 or write to them at 81a High Street, Standish, Wigan WN6 OHD.

Paul Brennan
