IN the "On This Day" column in the print version of the BEN on October 9, it stated that on that same day in 1940, "John Lennon was born during an air raid on Liverpool".

Now, Mr Richard Harper, of Harpers Lane, Smithills has written to say that in fact, contrary to the Beatles' legend, Liverpool was not being bombed when John Lennon was born.

"Many tales of John's birth tell of his Aunt Mimi dodging shrapnel through the bomb-torn streets of Liverpool to see the new baby who had to be placed under the bed during the air raid. This is an often told tale, but a tall one for all that. Official war records confirm that the Luftwaffe gave Liverpool a miss that night, and also for the most of the month of October, 1940."

Thank you, Mr Harper, for pointing this out to us.