THE terrible events of September 11 in the United States have made Americans very aware that they are part of one world.

In Britain, too, we are conscious that what happens in one country can affect us all. So this year's One World Week takes on particular importance.

What is One World Week? It's a nationwide week of activity, awareness-raising and celebration which happens in October each year, coinciding with United Nations Day and the Week of Prayer for World Peace.

In 1995 almost 500 towns, villages and communities in the UK took part in OWW and the number is growing. Bolton has taken part in OWW from the start. It is a splendid opportunity for people of different races, backgrounds and experiences to work together.

The theme is always carefully chosen to be open-ended and able to include many different aspects and interpretations. The theme of OWW for 2001 is "We're on our way" -- to respecting the dignity of each human being and the integrity of the Earth. Just think about that in relation to events in the US and Afghanistan.

Two of the events in Bolton for OWW this year are a coffee morning from 10am to noon on Saturday in Justicia at 81 Knowsley Street, and a singing and drumming workshop for children at the Friends' Meeting House in Silverwell Street at 2pm on November 3.

Each night in the BEN this week, we will look at some of the issues of human dignity and the integrity of the Earth, how they relate to Bolton, and how the people of Bolton can take practical action. For global issues are on our own doorsteps.

Terrorism and the war against it may make us fear for the world and its peoples, but the articles will offer signs of hope. One world? We're not there yet, but we're on our way.