WITH so many people calling themselves British and then going to fight in Afghanistan for the Taliban, the self-proclaimed enemy of Britain and Christianity, it is therefore inevitable that these British citizens will come up against British troops.

Can the actions of these British citizens, who are willing to fight and kill British troops, be interpreted in only one way -- "treason"? If it is, what will happen to those Britons who are taken prisoners of war and those who, at a later date, are found to have fought for the Taliban and returned to Britain? Will they be brought up on charges of "treason"? In just the same way as those British citizens who actively supported the enemies of Britain in other conflicts throughout our history?

Also what about those Britons who are killed fighting for the Taliban and have "families" left in Britain, wives and children are the rest of British society expected to look after them through the "Benefit System" after they have fought against "British Troops"? Troops that are fighting for this country's interests. Not a foreign power's interests.

Grenville Moore

Iris Avenue

Harper Green

