MEMBERS of Farnworth Performing Arts Company have paid tribute to a well known figure in Bolton's theatre world who died suddenly on holiday in Marbella.

Dorothy Thomason was president and life member of of the group, joining the theatre company, previously known as Farnworth Amateur Operatic and Dramatic Society in 1946.

Her first show, Rio Rita, then Showboat and The New Moon were shown at the Ritz Theatre, Farnworth.

Dorothy was appointed company pianist in 1949 and taught at Smithills and Sharples schools playing piano for all their shows and carol concerts over 21 years.

She was appointed chairman of the theatre company in 1984. In 1996 Dorothy was appointed president of Farnworth AODS, in tribute for her "unwavering commitment" to the society for more than half a century. A spokesman for the company said: "Dorothy has worked tirelessly over the years organising, rehearsing and accompanying the chorus for numerous revues and the annual concerts for the Multiple Sclerosis Christmas parties."