From the Evening News, November 5, 1976


THE Prime Minister issued a dramatic "we carry on" statement today after the sensational Tory hammer blows which deprived Labour of two safe seats at Westminster. Tories easily overturned previous Labour majorities at Walsall North and Workington, and if last night's figures were repeated on a national scale, the Tories would have a majority of well over 200.


From the Evening News,

November 6, 1951

"Why don't British Railways be honest and tell passengers the truth if they are not certain that a long distance train will get to its destination on time? asks a Bolton man who had to walk three miles home in heavy rain last night because his train was late and he missed the last buses from town.

He tells us that there were several Bolton people on yesterday's 5-40pm train from Euston (London) which was due in Manchester shortly after half-past nine. When it pulled into Manchester (London-rd) it was over an hour and 20 minutes late.

After dashing across Manchester he found that the last Bolton train was detained for the London passengers, but that did not arrive at Trinity-st. until midnight.


From the Evening News,

November 6, 1876

SIR,- I am informed that the band at the Bolton Skating Rink has been stopped from playing by the police authorities for having no music licence. Why don't they stop churches and chapels from having music played without having a music licence?

A Rinker

SIR- Permit me to call the attention of the police authorities to the great disturbance being caused by idle boys who nightly infest this locality (between the hours of 6.30 and 9.30), firing crackers close to both windows and doors, and creating all the noises possible, to the great annoyance of the residents.

A Ratepayer, Edward-street, Great Bolton.