SCHOOLS across Bury have been proving their "green" credentials after taking part in a borough-wide environmental awareness competition.

The aim of the event was to highlight everything from recycling to litter and general environmental issues.

On Wednesday the young prize winners are to receive their rewards at a ceremony at Bury Town Hall.

Bury Metro's Executive Member for Environment and Transport, Councillor Julie Higson, said: "Since litter has long been a major concern among residents we used this as the theme for the competition. We were hoping for some new ideas and approaches to tackling litter and also to encourage not just children but also adults not to litter their environment.

"Hopefully, in the long term, schemes like this will also lead to young people growing up to have more respect for their environment than currently displayed by some adults."

Younger children either made a model using waste materials or wrote about problems associated with litter in the environment.

Secondary school pupils carried out a detailed study of the problem in a chosen area and presented their findings in poster format.

SCHOOLS across Bury have been proving their "green" credentials after taking part in a borough-wide Environmental Awareness competition.

The aim of the event was to highlight everything from recycling to litter and general environmental issues. On Wednesday the young prize winners are to receive their rewards at a ceremony at Bury Town Hall. Bury Metro's Executive Member for Environment and Transport, Councillor Julie Higson, said: "Since litter has long been a major concern among residents we used this as the theme for the competition. We were hoping for some new ideas and approaches to tackling litter." and also to encourage not just children but also adults not to litter their environment.

"Hopefully, in the long term, schemes like this will also lead to young people growing up to have more respect for their environment than currently displayed by some adults."

Younger children either made a model using waste materials or wrote about problems associated with litter in the environment.

Secondary school pupils carried out a detailed study of the problem in a chosen area and presented their findings in poster format.