I READ in your column a story whereby a family felt that the council should be able to be sued if they don't meet certain deadlines.

While I agree to a system to cover the tenant's requirements, I feel suing isn't the answer.

If and when the funds dry up with the local authority system, housing associations will take their place. This I feel will be soon. With more suing cases being pursued, there will then be massive rent rises and no better service. I have been a housing association tenant prior to being a council tenant and I now have a much bigger house for half the weekly price. This also answers the reasons for poll tax increases, after all the Council have to regain the costs somehow. I worked for another Borough Council for five years and watched it deteriorate due to funding, etc.

Car insurance has also become a standing joke. If anyone has an accident, immediately they claim whiplash, regardless of injury knowing they will get £3000 with no arguments. My insurance went up this year by 26 per cent, even though I have maximum no claims. When I rang them I was told "Have you seen the adverts everywhere? Accident claims for compensation 'No Win No Fee,' this is the reason." Suing seems to be fashionable, but where does it end? Our kids will know no better and this is their future.

Andrew Naylor

Old Hall Lane

