AS A regular in Bolton town centre during the week, I come across some very interesting people.

Those who look strange, talk to themselves, and generally act suspiciously.

Even the most loyal of Boltonians can't deny it's rich in "odd culture". But those who command the most attention are the men and mainly women who collect in groups and ambush passers-by with their "Do you have a minute?" or "Can I ask you a few questions?"

I'm sure all these people are perfectly nice, with husbands and children and dogs, not at all suspicious, but, the second they step on to the paving stones of our town centre, they become eagle-like predators (in fur hats). I've lost count of the number of times I've been in a Mexican stand-off with one, only to run away shouting -- "I'm under 18! Leave me alone!"

Is there no rule limiting the number of harassments allowed in any one trip to the pastie shop? Is it really that essential I have a catalogue and an accident at least once a day? At least! Cold-callers can get the answering machine treatment. Somebody do something!

W Green
