POOR posture is caused when muscle imbalance imposes stresses on the underlying structures of ligaments and joints, resulting in certain deformities of the spine.


Posture is a term used to describe the alignment of the body, eg. how the body is held. Good posture means the body is balanced and the muscle work that is required to maintain good posture is minimal. Poor posture means the body is out of balance and certain muscles contract strongly to maintain your posture, over time these muscles will tighten and shorten, while others have weakened and become over stretched. WHAT CAUSES POOR POSTURE? Biomechanical problems eg. one leg shorter than the other, tilted pelvis

Poor standing, sitting and walking

Emotional factors, worry may result in hunched shoulders or if for some reason you are in constant pain

Lack of exercise eg. children stuck on a computer playing games for most of the day

In women or young girls, wearing high heels for long periods of time can cause an exaggerated curve at the base of the spine

Carrying bags over your shoulder incorrectly, especially school children

Bad breast stroke technique can cause rounded shoulders

The worst culprit is sitting at the computer in the wrong position at work, or a chair that is badly designed

Next week -- how to remedy poor posture and the problems it can cause