BOLTON and Bury Chamber is offering local businesses a chance to influence the way in which the business rates they pay are spent by the local authority.

The Chamber is inviting firms to a meeting with Bolton Council's Director of Finance, Stephen Arnfield, on Wednesday, December 12, from 3pm to 5pm at The New Pack Horse Hotel, Bolton.

Companies will be able to hear the council's thoughts on spending priorities for 2002/3 and have their say on where the money should go.

Andrew Ratcliff, Chamber Chief Executive, said: "The spending of local government funds affects every local business.

"By attending this meeting, they have a real opportunity to make their voice heard and influence the way the council allocates its budgets locally for the coming year.

"If you want to see more money spent on business support, or highways or street cleaning or lighting, then this is your chance to make a difference. Come along to this free meeting and speak out for local business."

If you would like to attend, please contact Kay Gregson at the Chamber on 01204 374668 or