THE campaign for real Christmas will give Bolton churches a real boost.

Three carol services are planned to encourage locals to sing their hearts out for Christmas.

The campaign, which aims to attract thousands into the church to remember the real reason behind Christmas, has been co-ordinated by the Diocese of Manchester.

An all-age carol service will be held on December 23 at St Paul's Church, Deansgate, followed by a second service at the Emmanuel Church Centre, Vicarage Street, Deane at 4pm.

This service will follow a less formal style of worship and vicar Bob Horrocks said: "We repeat an idea from last year with our version of 'pass the parcel'.

"Every time the wrapper is taken off there will be a carol or a reading."

On Monday, December 17 at 6pm, a carol service will be staged for youngsters aged from 8 to 11.

The youngsters, members of the Crossroads Club, will sing and perform a seasonal drama before selling cakes and clothes.

Proceeds will go to Bolton's Winterwatch, a charity for the homeless.