WHAT on earth is happening to our homeland?

We are now in an unrecognisable England. We are throwing away our heritage, our traditions, our patriotism, our security, our money, our country and our future. We are "drowning" in a sea of asylum-seekers. We are terrified of being given away to Europe. Losing our currency, laws, religion, independence and life as we know and love in our own beloved country.

Every single person I have spoken to over the years, but more so lately, feels exactly the same, but is too afraid to speak out publicly. Why, oh why, can't people's true feelings be heard, out of nothing but genuine love of their own country and concern for destiny, without fear of accusations and reprisals? Why must they be made to feel guilty?

I am not a bad person. I am not old-fashioned in my thoughts. I am not an elderly person living "in the past". I just love my country -- as do many, many more English men, women and children. We must fight, fight, fight to keep the country as we want it to be and not allow people who, for some reason, want to see the end of England, Great Britain.

Mrs A Wood

