HORSE power raised £300 thanks to BEN Girl of the Year Joanne Walker and her sister Gayle Binns.

Last month, the two made a gruelling 20-mile off-road journey by horse and bike to raise money for the Bolton Busting Breast Cancer appeal.

The sporty sisters swapped modes of transport halfway during the journey, which took them from Smithills around Rivington, Belmont, Bromley Cross and back to Smithills.

Joanne -- a 29-year-old outdoor pursuits instructor and special needs assistant at St James' School in Farnworth -- said she and her 27-year-old piano teacher sister wanted to thank everyone for their support.

Anyone who has ideas for further challenges can write to: Challenge Joanne, Angela Kelly, Bolton Evenings News, Churchgate, Bolton BL1 1DE. HORSE POWER: Gayle Binns (left) and Joanne Walker who "busted breast cancer" with a 20 mile sponsored trek