HAVE you noticed that we are fast becoming a 'it can't happen to me,' society?

Speak to a teenager about Aids and drugs and they invariably come with the comment 'it couldn't happen to me'.

It's the same with heavy smokers and people who drink heavily, they think that nothing will happen to them.

Many years ago I was on an aircraft doing a job I'd done many times before.

I was cutting corners as usual to finish the job quickly.

In taking the short cut there was an element of risk which we all took because we were all fully paid up members of the 'it couldn't happen to me' club.

All of a sudden there was a loud bang and that was the last time I saw my left index finger.

It left my hand so quickly that for all I know it could still be orbiting planet Zog!

Think on it, it really can happen to you.

Mr Morritt, Homestead, Bamber Bridge.