I READ in the BEN about the student at Withins School being rewarded with a holiday abroad for his efforts and his good behaviour.

What a pleasant change from the nonsense we often read of rewarding those best described as "yobs" in the vain hope that, on the road to Damascus -- or Disneyland -- they might see the light.

But should schools who, like most Government-funded institutions, are always strapped for cash be handing out free foreign holidays to students and their families?

Will this have the desired effect of improving the terrible truancy problem at Withins? Would the winning student have behaved differently had the carrot not been dangled?

I am not criticising the school for this new initiative. On the contrary, I admire them for addressing the issue. But is it the right way?

In my opinion, the problem of truancy should be tackled by punishing the parents of persistent truants.

This should be done through the courts because these people are breaking the law. Bring back the old "school board" who came knocking on the door if your child hadn't been to school, wanting to know why.

By the way, what ever happened to the "sin-bins" the Government and local authorities enthused about in 1996? Did this scheme get off the ground? Did it work?

Judging by the yob culture that thrives today, I would guess not.

Perhaps we should save taxpayers' money and invest in some good quality canes. You would see truancy and behaviour improve -- at a stroke. Ouch!!

Brian Derbyshire

Ribchester Grove
