A CHORLEY high school has received an award for its computing excellence.

Southlands received the Research Machines Centre of Excellence Award at the beginning of January in recognition of its use of information and computer technology (ICT) in the curriculum.

Research Machines (RM) have selected a number of schools across the country as centres of ICT best practice.

Southlands will now become a reference site for RM and a source of guidance for other schools.

The Clover Road school will be featured on the RM website and other schools can make contact to find more about their use of ICT.

Also, case studies will be used by other schools and at seminars or conferences to share good ICT practice.

Southlands will also be invited to host an ICT briefing or seminar that members of the school, and other schools, would be invited to attend.

Headteacher Hugh Crossan said: "It will enhance the status of the school as a leading technology college."