CHORLEY jobseekers of all ages should keep an eye out for a 'family friendly' information trailer.

The 'Working with Families' travelling advice centre will be calling at Market Street, on Tuesday February 12 to promote the range of back-to-work help that is available to all non-working members of the family.

Funded by the Employment Service, the trailer is touring Lancashire this week as part of their strategy to reach out to those unemployed people who do not sign on but would like the chance to work.

There is a wealth of practical help and one-to-one support to help anyone overcome the barriers that are preventing them from working including searching and applying for jobs, re-training and new skills, finding child-minders and claiming the cash top-ups that may be available to people starting work.

There will also be a children's entertainer on hand to keep bored children occupied, while tea, coffee and juice will also be available.

More information is available at local job-centres. Alternatively phone free on 0800 783 9579 or log on to