IN reply to Mrs Maher, who thinks that parents should not be allowed to refuse the MMR vaccination for their child, I feel that she, like many others, is completely missing the point.

The issue of immunisation is not in contention. It can be a serious disease, which she knows only too well.

No one is suggesting that we do not protect our children from measles and other diseases. However, there exists strong doubts as to whether three strong vaccines given together are completely safe and while these doubts remain, single doses of measles and other vaccines should be available to those who want them. Is Mrs Maher advocating that children of parents who refuse the MMR vaccine should be forcibly removed and injected just because our medical experts say it is safe? There are a growing number of experts who are raising serious doubts about its safety and, while these doubts remain, single vaccines should be available.

Mrs Maher's ideas are not only ridiculous and unworkable, but probably infringe human rights.

David Muschamp

Grantchester Way
