THERE is a saying that there are two things certain in life, death and taxes.

I would imagine that all the people who have been booked for small parking offences in Bolton pay their rates, taxes etc and are 100 per cent law abiding citizens. All the above are in effect taxes and, with one or two exceptions, will be paid, no room for evasion.

That being so, will the police and traffic wardens who were called to the scene of traffic chaos by the "travellers" prosecute? Most were causing obstruction on the highway and some parked illegally.

I hope that all people who have been summoned for upside down disability cards, or parked with one wheel touching the white parking line, will follow this case.

My theory is the police all over this country have not been able to get many prosecutions on these so called "travellers" and I fear this case will be allowed to wither on the vine. Is it possible that, if the case dies quietly, that someone in future might bring a test case to court, citing the "travellers." I await the case coming to court.

C F Tierney

Lytton Street
