I READ with interest the article regarding the 'council's new drive in cleaning up our streets'.

I may be wrong, but I thought this particular idea was already in existence with roadside care being provided by companies, groups, etc.

The care, or lack of it, of Watersmeeting Road at Astley Bridge is supposedly provided by McDonalds, but the amount of litter strewn about on this road would suggest that little is ever done.

In truth, the responsibility for the clearance of litter rest solely with the council and they show a real lack of commitment in getting to grips with the problem.

St Peter's Way at present is a disgrace, especially at the Kearsley on-slip, the Raikes Lane off-slip and the Bolton end of the road. How can we expect to attract outsiders to our town centre when the obvious lack of care is apparent before they arrive?

If the personnel responsible were as enthusiastic as our traffic attendants, perhaps we wouldn't have a problem. Why doesn't our town centre manager get involved?

We seem very keen to become a city, but, as yet, can't maintain ourselves as a town. Would it not be more useful if we concentrated on getting back officially within the Lancashire Boundary?

Graham Naylor

Parkgate Drive

Astley Bridge
