IT is noticeable that there have been an increasing number of newspaper reports about people with diabetes slipping into coma as a result of low blood sugar levels.

These cases include people being rescued by their children, being involved in traffic accidents and, more recently, the teenager that was refused a school trip because of this risk of hypoglycaemia (low blood sugar levels).

During the eight years that my daughter was treated with genetically produced so-called "human" insulin, she experienced low blood sugars without the body's normal warning signs that warned her to eat sugary food or drink to prevent the blood sugar dropping dangerously low. This resulted in sudden unexpected comas, extreme tiredness all the time, she became confused, depressed, suffered from memory loss. She insisted changing to natural animal insulin and most of these symptoms disappeared.

Natural animal insulins are available and are less aggressive in their actions so a significant number of people find that their blood sugar levels are less erratic and do not suddenly drop dangerously low. Unfortunately many people are either unaware that they have a choice of insulin and some are even given the wrong information that natural insulins are no longer available. This is not so -- natural animal insulins are available. I hope that, through your newspaper, you can help other people so that they do not suffer as my daughter and many others have done. If any of your readers would like to contact our organisation, we will be happy to supply further information.

Jenny Hirst

Insulin Dependent Diabetes Trust

PO Box 294



Tel: 01604 622837
