BRAVO Mr Blunkett!

At last, in the Home secretary, we have a member of government who has heard that there are people and opinions in this country other than the self-appointed guardians of public behaviour.

For many years thousands in this country have been saying that the only way for immigrants to integrate fully into the community is for them to speak English, especially in public.The suggestion by the Committee for Racial Equality that we can have a united country by certain sections of it speaking a language and following customs that are alien to the rest, is a complete nonsense.

Centuries ago it was decided that the Scots, Irish and Welsh would have to speak English to ensure the survival of the Union. Anyone believing that the Irish problem is now solved is just not thinking. Anyone believing that the Scots will not now press for complete independence is also not thinking. Wales has for years, despite being the first in union and being described as "principality" are now determined, now that they are speaking Welsh more, to get eventual separation.

The two great dividers are language and religion. The four countries of the Union are, nominally, Christian. How much more would they press for separation if they had a different religion as well?

This is not an attack on any people who are not English and Christian, but as the history of immigration has shown, this country has always welcomed immigrants from all parts of the world.

This has, however, been on the understanding that immigrants learn English and our ways. Religion has always been accepted as a matter for the individual to worship or not, in the way that suits them.

Religion should not prohibit a full integration into the social and civic life in this country. The idea that Muslims may only speak Arabic is as false as to say that Latin is the only language for Christians.

Here's hoping that Mr Blunkett continues now that he has started. How about the Channel tunnel?

F Isherwood

Latham Road

Blackrod, Bolton