I AM writing to support Eric Hester for daring to challenge the sex education policy in our schools.

For years, explicit sexual information has been thrown at young children, which I can't believe the majority of parents are happy about. Besides, with sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancies on the increase, the policy clearly isn't working.

Contrary to a lot of stereotypes, it is not just the older generation who support morality being taught in schools. We are a couple in our mid-20s who waited until we were married before sex and, looking around at the state of many relationships today, we don't regret it for one minute. Many of our friends regret becoming sexually active as soon as they did, but they did it because it seemed "the norm".

If sex education is really about presenting young people with their options, then the numerous benefits (both physical and emotional) of waiting until marriage should be given a much higher profile.

(Name and address supplied)