HAVING received my seven per cent increase in council tax I am seriously beginning to question the progress being made by the "executive" representing the citizens of Chorley.

I admire the vision of the Chorley Partnership published in its 'Outline Community Plan for Chorley Borough Council', but Chorley council tax payers are more interested in results and effective evaluation of policy.

Many streets within the borough are full of litter and road surfaces have potholes and uneven surfaces. The movement of vehicles to and from Chorley is blocked at peak times as a result of shortsighted planning policy which appears intent on providing more housing development areas without due consideration to accessibility.

The council is continuing to kill commercial enterprise in the town centre. Car parks and quality shopping areas are totally inadequate. Do members of the council ever walk along Market Street? It is far from "a vibrant and bustling location".

Why have the council introduced a policy of not providing personnel to supervise the local recreation grounds? It is not going to promote equal access to leisure and entertainment facilities, but simply provides licence to vandals who will demolish and degrade pleasure resources.

I conclude that following the 're-organisation of the council' a few years ago and the introduction of 'the executive', last year; the only goals the borough council are scoring are own goals. Other towns are winning too easily when it comes to action and progress.

Too much time and money are being spent replacing blocks in Market Street and Cleveland Street and setting up gimmicks such as web sites.

David Jolly,

Long Croft Meadow,
