A DYNAMIC young musical duo are hoping the opening of their new recording studio goes like clockwork.

For John Livesey and Stacey Ferguson, both 25, are setting up the Clockwork Recording Studios in Spendmore Lane, Coppull.

John, a producer, and Stacey, a studio manager, are set to open the doors of the studios to any talented musicians and singers wanting to record the songs which could set them on the road to stardom.

And one of the first jobs the pair will do is produce and record the winner of the Rock Idol competition currently being broadcast on Rock FM radio station.

Stacey said: "The winner of the competition will be coming down to the recording studio for a photoshoot and to record the song that they have won with.

"Our band, also called Clockwork, will be appearing with the winner of the Rock Idol competition at the Feel the Noise musical event at Ewood Park, Blackburn, in June."

The three-piece band will also be performing at Chorley's Jubilee four day festival held from June 1-4.

Stacey and John gained experience in the musical field after helping children with their musical ideas in Burnley as project workers with the Groundwork Trust and Burnley Youth Works. Now, the pair have been working hard to get everything ready for the grand opening of the studio this week.

Stacey said: "I am a bit anxious at the moment as there is still a lot to do. The studios will be open to anyone who wants to develop their talent. We will help anyone who wants to come down.

"If they are a singer we will provide the backing music, or if they are in a band or just play guitar we can help them write music and lyrics too."