SEAN CHAIRDE OVER 50s CLUB St Joseph's Hall, Hobart Street, Halliwell, 11am-3pm. 794036.

GREAT LEVER COMMUNITY CENTRE Smedley Avenue entrance. Over 60s luncheon club, 11.30am-1pm; Over 60s Social Club with bingo and dominoes, 1.30pm-3.30pm.

SENIOR RESIDENTS' FRIENDSHIP CLUB 12.30pm-2.30pm, St. Matthew with St. Barnabas, Stowell Street.

BIRCH AVENUE SENIOR CITIZENS CLUB social afternoon at Carnegie Hall, Westhoughton Town Hall, 1.30pm-4pm. Annual membership 50p plus 50p a week adm. Tel: 01942 815553.

OVER 60s GROUP 2pm, 50p per session. St. Luke's, Halliwell.

THE RAINBOWS for five to seven-year-olds meet at St Paul's, Peel, 6-7.15pm. Tel: 0161 748 7508.

Bradshaw BRIDGE CLUB Duplicate Bridge, Clubhouse, Bradshaw Cricket Club, Bolton, 7.30pm. Adm for visitors is £1 plus table money of £1. Please bring partner.

HARWOOD BRIDGE CLUB duplicate bridge for experienced and beginners, Royal Oak Hotel, Bradshaw, 7.30pm. Tel: 386839.