CHORLEY and South Ribble CVS, advocacy service, Astley Hall Farmhouse, Hallgate, Astley Village, 9am-noon and 1-3pm. Tel: 01257 263254.

ST JAMES'S COFFEE AND DROP-IN CENTRE, St James's Church, St James's Street, New Bury, Farnworth, 9.15-11am. Tel: 572334.

WESTHOUGHTON Community Centre: community ceramics, 9.30-11.30am; have a go crafts roadshow, 9.30-11.30am; get that job drop in 1-3pm.

BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT -- Our Lady and the Lancashire Martyrs, Hallstead Avenue, Little Hulton 10-11am.

COFFEE MORNING -- St Paul's Church, Deansgate, 10am-12.30pm.

PARENT AND TODDLER GROUP, Salvation Army, King Street, Farnworth: , 9.30-11.30am; Kids Alive for children aged five to 11 years, 6.30-8pm.

STEP BY STEP PROJECT, 8 White Lion Brow, Bolton, Bemsmi drop in, 10am-2pm; Allocated Counselling, 3-8pm. Tel: 366388.

BOLTON TOY LIBRARY, for play and loan, The Play and Resource Centre, Board Street, Deane, 10am-3pm. Tel: 559566.

EXHIBITION OF WATERCOLOURS by Audrey Latham, Harwood Library.