Michael Lennon states that the improvements achieved by fluoridation would benefit the health of Bolton children enormously.

Thirty eight years ago when the debate began, the only way to get fluoride to teeth was via the water supply.

Today there are fluoride toothpastes, tablets, mouthwashes and paint to protect the teeth, so why do we need mass medication by adding it to the water supply?

What we need is better education in dental hygiene for children and parents, access to an NHS dentist for each child and a better understanding of the importance of a good diet.

I'm sure the health care professionals in Bolton are already working hard to achieve this.

Fluoride will only improve the condition of the teeth.

The causes of tooth decay are also the causes of many other health problem in children and must be treated as a whole, not just as a set of teeth.

If the money and effort directed towards the fluoridation of the water supply were used to address the real causes of tooth decay, we would see an overall improvement in child health.

Mrs Barbara Williams

