WITH depressing predictability, Kevin Meagher shuffles into line with the New Labour minions on the subject of regional assemblies. Perhaps he could exercise his wit on the following questions?

If this issue is simply a New Labour-inspired attempt at greater local autonomy, why, for many years, have EU maps shown a Britain composed of regions where areas of England are named with the same prominence as Wales and Scotland, with no mention of England at all?

He makes a false comparison with the Scottish Parliament and Welsh Assembly; why not offer the genuine quid pro quo of an English Parliament? Knowing the centralising tendencies of this Government, is it really likely that greater autonomy is the purpose? If that is the aim, why not strengthen the power of existing local government, as well as devolving greater control to teachers, doctors, policemen, etc?

If Mr Meagher lived in Kendal, would he be happy that the question would be decided by the very different, but more densely-populated areas, in the South of the region? Who will be paying for the inevitable stream of propaganda we can now expect? Given the dearth of talent in existing political institutions these days, what evidence does he have that there are sufficient numbers of high calibre individuals out there just waiting to contribute to these assemblies? Finally, does Mr Meagher really believe this tripe, or is he just a cynical, political activist with a not very well-hidden agenda?

John Morris

Coniston Road, Blackrod