HILTON TABLE TENNIS CENTRE, Nuttall Avenue, Horwich: table tennis all ages, 1pm-3pm; seniors, 7pm-9pm.

DEANE COMMUNITY CENTRE, aquafit, 6.30pm-7.30pm; adult swim, 9.15pm-10.15pm; swim lessons, 5.30pm-6.30pm.

CASTLE HILL GYMNASIUM, Castleton Street, Tonge Moor -- Tonge Boxing Club 7pm-9pm 10-18 years 50p, 19+ unwaged £1, 19+ waged £2. Details 01204 399147.

BOLTON YMCA, 125 Deansgate: junior football, 6.15pm.

GREAT LEVER COMMUNITY CENTRE, Parkfield Road entrance, Ju-Jitsu and Kempo Karate for ages six to 15, 6.30pm-8.30pm. Tel: 656513.

BROWNLOW FOLD COMMUNITY CENTRE, Eskrick Street, badminton, 7pm-9pm.