CHILDREN at The Moss Primary School barely have time for learning with all the fun-filled activities they can take part in.

Trips to the theatre, nativities, musicals and Chinese and Indian meals are just a few of the things students have been treated to in the last year.

The Moss celebrated the Chinese New Year with a visit from the Manchester Chinese Arts Group and a traditional Chinese meal. They performed a Lion Dance.

The school has a different theme each term. Other themes they have done is India and they are currently doing Wales.

Other surprises have included an all expenses paid trip to watch Cinderella at the Albert Halls. This year they are going to The Lowry Centre to watch Sleeping Beauty.

They take to the stage themselves every year and have performed plays like Whoops a Daisy Angel and Alice the Musical.

One thing is for sure, there is never a dull moment at The Moss!


Number on roll: 48

Number of teachers: Five

Other staff: One secretary, one caretaker, one NNEB, two SNA's, four supervisors, two kitchen staff

Founded: 1972

Outside facilities: Grassed area, two playgrounds, secret garden with pond

Famous ex-pupils: Emma and Danielle Greenhalgh who danced with the Royal Ballet and Edward Wiseman who appeared in Brookside.

Buildings: One storey modern building

Our headteacher

YOU cannot keep a good man down.

The Moss Primary School may be closing but headteacher, John Bowden, does not get downhearted.

John, whose childhood ambition was to be a racing driver, has taught for 29 years and has been headteacher at The Moss for five.

Father to proud daughters, Suzanne and Nicola, he studied at Mather College and specialises in History and Geography.

An avid gardener, John, who has been married to Barbara for 28 years, likes to paint and watch athletics. But most of all he enjoys supporting Bolton Wanderers and is a season ticket holder.

John was always a hard worker at school and he wants the best for his pupils. He said: "Despite the unfortunate closure next summer, everyone at the school wants to do their best for the children who are still in school."

Why I like my headteacher

". . . is the best. He is as jolly as a clown and he's always talking to plants."

Dannielle Lane

". . . is funny and sometimes silly."

Scott Carroll

". . . is great and funny. He gives us certificates."

Patricia O'Rourke

". . . always talks about football and is funny."

Beshaun Slavin

I like my school because

"It's good and the teachers are kind."

Scott Carroll

"We all get treats, have lots of fun and I love learning."

Naomi Cropper

"Miss Ellis and Mrs Birch do music and it is good fun."

Beshaun Slavin

"We've got brilliant teachers and a brilliant cloakroom. Its got furry seats!

Emma Humphreys

Meet the head

My happiest memories are:

". . . we went watching George's Marvellous Medicine at the theatre. The part I liked was where the grandma's leg shot up."

Lauren Poole

". . . I got a badge at swimming."

Patricia O'Rourke

". . . the school went to see Cinderella at the theatre."

Jodie Taylor

". . . we did a play at Christmas and I was the innkeeper and I had to sing a song."

Jodie Tyrer

What I would like to be

". . . a teacher and teach lots of nice children."

Lauren Poole

". . . a good singer and a popstar"

Emma Humphreys

". . . a firefighter."

Scott Carroll

". . . a popstar and have a lovely voice."

Danielle Lane