A FARNWORTH man, branded a "love cheat from hell" on national television, said today: "I'm not sorry. I didn't do anything wrong."

Millions saw last night's ITV1 documentary about two Bolton sisters who fell for Gareth Crossley and had six of his children.

One of the sisters, Lynne Williams, became his wife and they had two girls and two boys. The other, Maggie Gallagher, had been his girlfriend and is the mother of two of his daughters.

But today Gareth, known to many as former Bolton Palais DJ Danny Sinclair, and who has been married four times, said he had no regrets. "I'm not sorry about what happened," he said. "We've got six lovely children and that's all that matters at the end of the day."

Lynne, aged 41, and Maggie, aged 44, both met Gareth during a night out at the Palais in 1976.

He began dating Maggie and she became pregnant with their first child. But before the baby was born, Lynne discovered she was pregnant as well. Lynne said: "Gareth told me he had split up with Maggie but that he would go back to her if I didn't sleep with him.

"I've got no regrets now. I cannot deny what happened because it's like denying my children and I can't do that."

For the next four years Gareth, who is now 46, flitted between the two sisters and had another daughter with Maggie.

In 1981 he asked Lynne to marry him and they lived happily together for seven years. They had another three children before their divorce.

But a huge rift developed between Lynne and her sister over the years -- one which has still not healed today.

Maggie said: "I've been a wreck because of what happened, but I feel stronger now. I realise the best thing to do is keep them both out of my life."