
BOLTON MUSEUM, ART GALLERY & AQUARIUM, Le Mans Crescent, Bolton. Tel: 332211. Open Monday to Saturday, 10am to 5pm. Admission free.

Bolton Aquarium

For unique views into the aquatic world visit Bolton Aquarium, where there are fish on display from all over the world, some of which are highly threatened in their natural habitats. From Piranhas to Pufferfish, huge Catfish to tiny Tetras, there are hundreds of fish to come and see, in an aquarium designed to allow the fish to behave as they would in the wild.


Our Commonwealth: Our Home

The first section features loans, objects and photographs from many Commonwealth countries such as New Zealand, India and Nigeria. Looking at how British views of Commonwealth countries have changed over time, through themes such as Trade, Souvenirs and Science.

The second section illustrates the lives of 20 people who came from Commonwealth countries to settle in Bolton. Their stories, photographs and objects will demonstrate and celebrate Bolton's wide diversity of communities.

Runs until August 31.

Moran Moran

Nearing Camp, Evening on the Upper Colorado River returns after a successful appearance in the 'American Sublime' exhibition at Tate Britain. Alongside is the recent acquisition, the watercolour, The River Schuylkill.

Runs until Autumn.

Off-road Race

A mini exhibition celebrating the hosting of the Commonwealth Games cycling events at Rivington featuring Frederick William Hulme's Rivington Lakes oil painting and John Bratby's Bicycle Interior.

Humphrey Spender - Summer Holiday: Sea, Sand Sideshows

A selection of photographs taken by the Mass Observation photographer in Blackpool from 1937 to 1938 capturing the workers at play.

Runs until August 31.

Family Events/Children's Activities

A Commonwealth trail links the exhibition to the rest of the galleries. By examining the objects in themed boxes, see if you can identify their country of origin.

There are children's drop art activities relating to the exhibition, available every Saturday following a variety of themes from 10.30am to 3.30pm. Admisison free. For more information ring Educational Services on 332245.

African Drumming - What are the drums saying?

A talk by Nat Binney, an expert in African music, on Saturday, July 20 from 2pm to 3pm. Tickets priced at £2.50 and £1.50 conc, tel: 332245.TABLE TENNIS CLUB, Ladybridge Community Centre, 7.30-9.30pm, Juniors £1 and Seniors £2. Beginners coaching 7pm-8pm.

HILTON TABLE TENNIS CENTRE, Nuttall Avenue, Horwich: table tennis for all ages, 1pm-3pm. Tel: Chris 406693/692752.

CROMPTON SPORTS CLUB, rounders for girls aged nine to 16 years, Crompton Fold School, off Breightmet Drive, 12 noon to 1pm. Tel: 370149.


BOLTON AND DISTRICT GERMAN SHEPHERD DOG CLUB, dog training classes, Training Ground, Mytham Road, Little Lever, 2pm-4pm. Annual membership £4 and weekly training fee 75p. Details 0161 368 4928.


LUNCHEON CLUB, Barlow Park Community Centre, off Dunoon Drive, Bolton, 12 noon.

SUMMER FAYRE, St Joseph's, Hobart Street, Halliwell, 12 noon.

FARMERS MARKET, Great Barn, Houghton Tower, 10am-4pm.

SUMMER FAIR, St Columba's School, Ripley Street, Tonge Moor, 11.15am.


HALLIWELL CENTRAL REFORM CLUB, music from Brian Kramer and Nikki Allen.

CEILI DANCING CLASS, St Edmunds Church Hall, 7.30pm-9.30pm.