MY wife and I have just returned from a holiday in Norfolk, and thought the following points may be relevant to the long running "parking problem" letters.

Many of our days were spent exploring various towns and villages, all of which run a "Pay and Display" system which, in general, was £1.20 for a two-hour period, usually long enough for a look round or some shopping. Should you wish to stay longer, £4 generally covered for a full day's parking.

However, while visiting Norfolk and having paid for a four-hour period (£2.40), my wife and I lost all sense of direction and were unable to remember where we were parked. Eventually, however, we were able to locate our vehicle and returned to the car park around 12 minutes late.

By our car stood a traffic warden and, fearing the worst, I explained our late return.

Did I get a ticket? Was I booked for over-staying our welcome? No such thing! But we were questioned and asked whether .... we'd enjoyed our visit to Norwich, would be returning, and were having a good holiday in Norfolk.

This emissary of Norwich then explained the easiest way to exit the City and waved us on our way.

Hopefully, we will be returning to Norwich as there is so much to see and do, but I doubt whether we would be doing so had we encountered a Bolton traffic warden, whose main concern seems to be how much money they can accumulate, and not whether people return to spend even more money in the town.

It makes you think doesn't it? A quick look at registration numbers will tell you where the car originates from, and visitors should be treated accordingly, not booked, or they will never return.

Colin Eccles

Shaftesbury Avenue

Lostock, Bolton