I WOULD like to say how delighted I have been once again with the response from individuals in your area to the second stage of the Reading Families Millennium Award scheme.

Last year we gave away grants totalling £320,000 to individuals who impressed the judges with their imaginative community reading project ideas.

We hope that many more of your readers will follow in their footsteps and contact us to apply for a Millennium Award of up to £3,000 in time for this year's closing date on September 2.

The Reading Families Award Scheme is funded by a Millennium Commission grant of £1.2m. Millennium Awards is a unique programme of small grants which enable individual people across the UK to put their ideas into action, fulfilling a personal goal and, in doing so, enriching their communities for the new millennium.

Winning projects funded so far have included people from all walks of life, including children writing a recipe book based on vegetables they have grown!

It is not too late for anyone still wishing to apply for a Millennium Award. Just call Annabel Amoh at the Campaign for Learning on 020 7976 2011 for an application pack. Completed forms need to be in by September 2.

Susie Parsons

Chief Executive

Campaign for Learning