AS a former Boltonian, and now an annual visitor, I'd like to add to two recent letters I've seen and express my dismay at the poor condition of the Rock Garden in Moss Bank Park.

Visiting it last week on a sunny day, after 25 years of raving about the flowers there, I was stunned to see it overgrown, uncared for and hardly a flower in sight. I used to use up almost a whole roll of film taking photos of my two nieces there and, later, my son. It used to be just glorious.

If the council is truly unable to afford flowers and a gardener for the Rock Garden (and former Rose Garden, which now appears to be just a garden), perhaps some retired gentleman in the area could form a gardening club, or men doing Community service could be utilised to try to restore this part of the park to its former glory.

Frances Holland Johnson

Gas Street
