SINCE Mr Pollitt and Mr Isherwood are clearly unable to understand what I am saying and make up the shortfall by misrepresentation and abuse, there is no point in my merely repeating myself.

But let me ask them about a pressing issue which is of increasing urgency. If the US invades Iraq without an explicit mandate from the Security Council (as is likely) and the UK gives the US military support (as is also likely) would not this constitute an act of aggression and therefore involve this country in an unjust war? (I take it that Mr Pollitt and Mr Isherwood believe in this concept). This seems to be the position of Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury Elect, who is close to the position of the Stop the War Coalition on this issue and the so-called War on Terror generally.

Would not this mean that all UK military personnel were released from any obligation to obey orders on the grounds that they were required to act unjustly? The Nuremburg principles would support this position and there is a contemporary example of it in action. Some Israeli reservists are refusing any position to the Occupied Territories, because their government is in breach of United Nations resolutions and its occupation of Palestine consequently unjust.

Malcolm Pittock

St James Avenue

Breightmet, Bolton