IN reply to Peter Johnston's letter (August 27), I apologise if he took offence.

If he had read it correctly I referred to the abduction and not to the murder of the two children, as at that time the murder was not official. I too hoped that the children would be found alive.

As for being a member of a small but dedicated brand of hangers and floggers, I think if you read people's opinions in various other newspapers, you'll find the band is growing. More people want capital punishment back.

Put it to a public referendum and see what the outcome is. I know that even if the balance is on their side you won't change the law, but at least we'll know the answer.

In this country we still have the right to free speech, the right to an opinion, you to yours and me to mine.

Once again as I stated, no one wants to see these punishments implemented, but they've got to be there as a deterrent. We can't use the soft touch any more, or more and more children will be abused or murdered, old people will be imprisoned in their own home.

We elect a government to serve the people, to bow to their wishes and to keep their promises.

S Kirkham

