COUNCIL tax payers will pick up the tab for the parking ticket issued to Bolton's mayoral limousine.

Council chiefs have confirmed they will not be contesting the penalty.

Photographic evidence of the vehicle parked on a double yellow line was taken by the traffic warden using a digital camera.

The £60 fine will be reduced to £30 if paid within 14 days.

The ticket was issued while the Mayor, Cllr John Walsh, was watching a performance of The Wakes at Bolton Little Theatre, Hanover Street, Bolton, on Thursday. His chauffeur had dropped the mayor outside the venue before parking the distinctive car in a restricted zone.

The parking services department at the Council is now due to brief the Mayor's office on the matter of traffic regulations.

They will also speak to the mayor's chauffeur, who has not yet been contacted about the incident since he was in Liverpool on mayoral duties with the car yesterday.

A spokesman for the Council said: "The Mayor's official car is not treated any differently by the traffic wardens from that of any other motorist.

"Our parking services have proposed that they meet with the Mayor's office about traffic regulations to try and make sure that it doesn't happen again and that hosts can ensure that the Mayor is properly escorted to his engagements."

A spokesman for APCOA, the private body which controls Bolton's traffic wardens, said: "It doesn't matter whose car it is. If it is parked on double yellow lines, it will be booked."

He added: "The only exception is an emergency service vehicle."