I THOUGHT that the article by Elizabeth Lewis, Caring Officer with Bolton LIFE, in the Bolton Evening News of August 23, was excellent and I agree wholeheartedly with her concerns for our young people and that they should feel able to make wise choices.

In the same paper was a letter from Mrs A Rostron asking that responsible members of society should object when we are offended by programmes or articles in the media. I agree, but we often don't do this because we feel it won't make any difference and, at the moment, the programme makers seem to feel that they are not accountable to anyone. As a society, we are all suffering from the effects of the violence, bad language and promiscuous behaviour on TV and in advertising, newspapers and magazines. I know there are other contributing factors, but businesses would not spend huge sums on advertising if what we watch and read didn't affect us. Elizabeth Lewis sees this at first hand and we all know that we have to be much more protective of our children, our own safety, and our property than we were even 20 years ago.

It does need many more people to take the time to write or phone, either to object, or with thanks, for the better programmes/articles. Addresses, phone numbers, complaints forms and other information are available from mediawatch.uk 3, Willow House, Kennington Road, Ashford, Kent TN24 ONR, telephone 01233 633936.

Mrs B Tyldsley

Wisbeck Road
