ON behalf of Jodie and her parents, I would like to say a big "thank you" to all the people and businesses of this area who have given us their time, donations and help for our appeal, as without you this would never have been possible.

We set out in the first place to raise the £900 required to send Jodie and her parents to Ireland so that she could meet and swim with a dolphin called Fungie who has made his home there.

It soon became obvious that the appeal was a runaway success and, in fact, we have raised the magnificent sum of £2,269!

It is impossible to name everyone who has been involved with this appeal, and, in fact, we would probably fill this complete newspaper if we tried. However, we must thank Ann, Janice and Terry who travelled from Brandlesholme to Bolton, and the managers and tenants of public houses and their staff for allowing us to collect donations on their premises. They came back with a brilliant £300 in change and notes!

It has shown us, once again, that if a community works together then things do get done!

Well done to everyone and thank you once again to all concerned, your help and good wishes have been, and always will be, much appreciated.

Roy C Rigby and Linda McCann

Jodie's Dolphin Appeal

Birks Drive
