I AM very much in favour of a drastic change to the fireworks laws. Fireworks have been going off in my area for many weeks now.

Old people, as well as pets, are very frightened by the very loud bangs that these make. A lot of these are let off at all hours of the day and night, even before 8am.

One recent Sunday evening at 5pm, on Scowcroft Street, some were let off, and friends of mine (who were not together at the time) were walking their dogs, who were frightened by the very loud fireworks set off. The man apparently had a sort of gun thing that he let them off with and he was of an age to know better. Our friend's dog was so upset he actually dragged her over Tonge Moor Road. It was never like this when I or my children were young. You would not hear a bang until bonfire night.

They should not be allowed for sale until about a week before, and then these very large ones with about 15 chambers (as I have found empty) should not be sold at all. What was once a very happy, pleasurable time has become a nightmare.

(Name and

address supplied)