Two earthquakes rocked Manchester this morning. One at 8.52am measured 2.6 on the Richter scale and one at 9.24am measured 2.8.

Bennett Simpson, seismologist for the BGS in Edinburgh, confirmed said: "There have been nine or 10 since yesterday evening and 32 in total since Monday.

"They are continuing and we cannot predict what will happen next."

Thousands of people have e-mailed the BGS's website with their experiences of the Manchester earthquakes.

David Tranter, 49, a businessman working in the city centre, said the tremors have been shaking the glass cabinet in his fifth floor office.

"Today's tremor was one of the biggest yet," he said.

"People were obviously worried when the first one happened on Monday because most of us had never experienced an earthquake before. Many people are getting use to them by now."

The epicentre of the earthquakes is a 10-mile stretch across the city centre of Manchester. The tremors have been felt as far away as north Cheshire, Warrington and Rochdale.