I NOTICED the comments about Anne Robinson and I thought I should enlighten you about the woman.

She is one of the most brilliant people I have ever met; she is kind, helpful, considerate and hugely funny, and she was the first person ever to publish me. We had a thing going in the Liverpool Echo, where we both slated the "posh" end of Liverpool. She had tremendous courage and was never afraid to speak her mind, but with wit and wisdom.

Lighten up? The Weakest Link is not the Anne, who lived on St Michael's Road when I did; who fought alcoholism like a Trojan; whose mother (her own judgement clouded by drink) affected Anne for ever.

This tough woman is a pussy cat. She encouraged me and helped me and we had some hilarious conversations. What you see on TV is an invention. She has dreadful trouble keeping her face straight and she is paid to act the dominatrix. Good luck to her and long may she thrive.

Ruth Hamilton
