I WRITE this with gritted teeth, semi-thawed hands and temper so high I can barely type without grimacing.

The state of the public transport system in and around my geographical area is, without exemption, utterly appalling.

I begin my journey much like everyone else brave enough to commute to the city, with an air of uneasiness. Will my train be on time? I utter as I walk towards the station.

According to the screens, it appears to be on schedule. Relaxed and feeling more comfortable, I purchase my ticket and step down to the chilly platform. Yet, lo and behold, the time passes and the train is delayed. Further announcements suggest it is going to be at least 20 minutes' late arriving at the platform, and God knows what time for arriving in Manchester. Late again.

My employers, at first, are reasonable but, at the end of the day, my time is their time and I am not performing my job correctly after being packed nose-to-nose on a two-carriage train transporting the entire of Bolton (it would seem) to Manchester. After being late on average three to four times in a working week, the excuses get tiresome and my position with the company is understandably at risk. Promotion and pay rises a thing dismissed with a passing laugh in my office as my lateness grows and becomes a part of the norm.

I try to make time up as best I can, but, with the evening journey looking as horrible as the morning, I cannot afford to stay late all the time.

On my journey home, there is announcement after announcement, late after late after late. Platforms now fit to bursting with anxious, fraught people just wanting to get home.

When a train does arrive, due to the severe delays, four times as many people cram on to the train. The cost of travel is expensive enough without having to have to face these conditions. Travelling home late at night on my own as a woman is frightening enough, without the added pressure of not even knowing whether you are going to make it home before supper.

My situation isn't unique. Business is subsidising your poor running, by employees across the board being late, missing meetings, appearing unorganised. I am being made to suffer because of the lack of structure within First Group.

Miss Emma Carey

Bristol Avenue

Tong Fold
