I WOULD like to reply to E Atkinson's letter of Thursday, November 28, under the headline "Disability and ability to pay."

I can only assume that E Atkinson is able to enjoy a normal lifestyle by not being disabled in any way, for, if he/she were, they would realise what a lifeline cars are for individuals who physically cannot move great distances unassisted.

It is these people who would genuinely give up their "privilege" to be able to park anywhere and not be restricted by their own ability. And, thankfully, the Blue Badge system is not means tested, as a lot of its users are not wealthy enough to enjoy the "class of cars" referred to, due to ongoing discrimination in the workplace.

It is only through the Motability scheme, which provides new cars for disabled individuals, that enables them to leave their homes with the independence that other people take for granted.

Frankly, any person that wishes to impose further costs and restrictions on freedom for disabled people has not fully thought out the consequences and does not have the capacity to see life through the eyes of those less fortunate.

Personally, I hope I have to pay for parking for the rest of my life, as it means I will be as fit and healthy as I am now.

Glynn M Stockton

Woodburn Drive
