ON reading Mr Dawson's letter dated November 26, regarding parking chaos at the Royal Bolton Hospital, and the fact that the direct bus from Horwich has been terminated.

I would challenge all car drivers to say now you know of two consequences of so many car owners in Britain.

1. Decline in public transport services

2. Lack of land and money to provide parking (eg the charge to park).

Eventually there will be so many cars in the country -- two and three-car families -- that there will be no room left for us. Those who rely on public transport will be forced to find work and amenities near home, if we can, while drivers zoom past. If there are any services left, they may only run once a day, so no local job, we live on benefits!.

Or maybe, Mr Dawson, or many of the other drivers, may relent and provide a service for us, instead of Shanks' pony.

L Evans

Julia Mews

