A STUNNED Dorothy Markland went to London for a gala dinner - and came back with a top award.

Dorothy who runs DBBC@Bolton Market Radio, picked up the trophy for her achievements in training.

It was one of only 14 awards in the country and a delighted Mrs Markland said: "It has been a struggle but for us this is the ultimate accolade - the Oscars of training."

Work to recognise the training at DBBC -- Diversity in Barrier Breaking Communications -- started a year ago and over the months Mrs Markland and her staff have undergone rigorous inspections to qualify in the annual National Training UK Awards.

The amazing route to the top started with a letter saying DBBC had reached the regional finals. She attended a ceremony in Manchester but was not among the award winners.

Howeer, former football ace Jackie Charlton announced that she had been shortlisted for a national award instead.

A delighted Mrs Markland was invited to a swish dinner at the Guildhall in London. She and her husband Alan were completely taken by surprise when it was announced that they had won one of the 14 special awards for small to medium enterprises.

"It was amazing. I was presented with a magnificent trophy by Rory Bremner," she said.

Now the award is back in the office of DBBC in Ashburner Street.

The training scheme at DBBC was started in 1997 by Mrs Markland with the aim of building self confidence in people of all ages and abilities through broadcasting.

Today 300 students have passed through the scheme which is the only one of its kind in the country.

People who need help with confidence-building include referrals from Social Services and New Deal, pupils who do not attend school, special needs teenagers, battered wives and asylum seekers. Dorothy is now hoping that the accolade will help to bring in more funding for the Market Radio as the sponsors of the award are Learn Direct - who also sponsor the TV quiz show Who Wants to Be A Millionaire.